The HSE does not develop, review or endorse specific blogs. However, our patients and the clinical staff who work with them have found some of the blogs below to be useful. They tell us that it is helpful to read about experiences that provide hope and support and can challenge some of the anti-recovery eating disorder content on the internet.
We recommend that parents fully review any material that children under 18 are viewing online.
Eating Disorder Hope
Well written and comprehensive posts that explore all aspects of ED’s and Recovery.
National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) Blog
Compelling, first person accounts of disordered eating and navigating recovery.
Nalgona Positive Pride
Body positive organisation providing education about ED to people of colour.
I haven’t shaved in 6 weeks
A witty, intimate and raw blog about her personal experience with disordered eating.
Offers resources and support for members of Trans and Gender-Diverse communities dealing with ED.
Angie Viets – Inspired Recovery
A beautiful and inspired place for those feeling stuck in their recovery from disordered eating.
BEAT Eating Disorders
Real-life experiences on ED and Recovery
Let’s Queer Things Up
A personal blog exploring queer/trans identity, mental health and his journey with an ED
Healthy Place (ED Section)
Personal contributions from survivors of ED, useful tips for maintaining recovery
The Butterfly Foundation
An Australian organisation supporting ED
Project Heal
Personal stories offer insightful guidance about trusting the healing process and the real meaning of body acceptance.
Recovery Warriors
Bolstering the resilience of those struggling with depression, anxiety and eating disorders.
Cara's Corner
Cara is a twentysomething-year-old mental health nurse who has experienced mental illness for most of her life.
Eating Recovery Centre
Frequent updates on the centre, treatment, programs and information for all
Jenni Schaefer
Jenni struggled with AN for almost 20 years and her blog is a resource for inspiring personal stories and frank discussions
More Love
A resource designed to empower parents to raise kids who are free from body hate and disordered eating