HSE Websites:
- www.hse.ie/eng/about/who/cspd/ncps/mental-health/eating-disorders/resources/ - HSE website
- www.yourmentalhealth.ie - HSE Website
Other Websites:
Below is a selection of websites and resources that are independent from the HSE. The HSE does not review or endorse their specific content.
However, they are found to be very useful by patients and clinicians, who find them helpful in supporting recovery.
Parents are always recommended to fully review any material that children under 18 are viewing online.
- www.bodywhys.ie – The eating Disorder Association of Ireland
- www.anorexiafamily.com – Help for parents of children and teens (Eva Musby)
- www.beateatingdisorders.co.uk – UK’s Eating Disorder Charity
- www.feast-ed.org – Global support and education of and for parents
- www.healthline.com/health/best-eating-disorder-blogs#1 – Best Eating Disorder Blogs
- www.na-ireland.org – Narcotics annonymous Ireland
- www.drugs.ie – Drug and Alcohol information and support
- www.patient.co.uk & https://patient.info/mental-health Information on mental health, including eating disorders, from the NHS
- www.aedweb.org/resources/about-eating-disorders - professional website providing information and research
- www.rcpsych.ac.uk/mental-health & https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/mental-health/parents-and-young-people/information-for-parents-and-carers/eating-disorders-in-young-people-for-parents-and-carers