Language about healthcare can sometimes be very technical and hard to understand.

We have tried to reduce our use of ‘medical jargon’ in this App, but we also think is also important for you to understand what the professionals you meet are talking about.

We hope our NCPED Jargon-Buster about eating disorder care will help. If you come across any other Jargon we need to translate, just let us know!

  This Means:
BP Blood pressure.
BMI Body Mass Index is a calculation of your weight in relation to height. It can help identify healthy or unhealthy weight ranges.
%BMI This is the BMI (see above) of a child under 18 in relation to that typical for their age group and stage of development.
Calorie/kCal  This is a unit of energy. It is used to measure energy in foods and energy used up by different physical activities.
CBT-E Cognitive Behaviour Therapy-Enhanced (for eating disorders). A form of therapy.
FBT Family-Based Therapy. A form of therapy.
FREED First Episode Rapid Early Intervention for Eating Disorders. A form of therapy.
FT Family Therapy. A form of therapy.
MANTRA Maudsley Model of Anorexia Nervosa Treatment for Adults. A form of therapy.
MaRSIPAN Management of Really Sick Patients with Anorexia Nervosa guideline.
NCPED National Clinical Programme for Eating Disorders.
NG Feeding Nasogastric feeding involves feeding through a tube from the nose to the stomach.
NICE  National Institute for Health and Care Excellence in the UK – produces best practice guidelines.
SEED  Severe and Enduring Eating Disorder
SSCM  Specialist Supportive Clinical Management. A form of therapy.
SUSS Test Sit up Squat and Stand test (to measure your muscle strength).